C Corporation Taxes
A C corporation (also known as a regular corporation) is considered
a separate person or "entity" under the tax law and is taxed accordingly.
Income earned by a corporation is normally taxed at the corporate
level using the corporate income tax rates shown in the table below,
and the corporation must file a Form 1120 each year to report this
After the corporate income tax is paid on the business
income, any distributions made to stockholders are taxed again at
the stockholders' tax rates as dividends. Because of these two levels
of tax, a regular corporation may be a less desirable form of business
than the other types of business entities (sole proprietorships, partnerships,
limited liability companies, or S corporations). However, corporations
do have many tax breaks not available to other forms of business.
Incorporation should not be dismissed out of hand for fear of double
Comparison with partnerships or sole proprietorships.
Because the taxation of income to sole proprietorships and partnerships
is determined by the tax bracket that applies to each individual owner,
a comparison of tax rates that apply to corporations and to individuals
can give you some idea of which form of business would save taxes
at a particular income level.
Tip Personal Service Corporations (those whose employees
spend at least 95 percent of their time in the field of health, law,
engineering, architecture, accounting, actuarial science, performing
arts, or consulting) are taxed at a flat rate of 35 percent of
net profits.
The 39.6 percent tax bracket
means that the top individual rate is significantly higher than the
top corporate tax rate. In addition, high-income taxpayers may be
subject to the additional Medicare tax and
the net investment income tax.
following chart compares the marginal tax rates for tax years beginning
in 2014 for corporations, married individuals filing
jointly, and for singles. This chart does not include the additional
Medicare tax or net investment income tax that may apply to high-income
2014 Tax Rate Comparison |
Taxable Income ($) |
C Corporation |
Married/Joint |
Unmarried |
$1 - $9,075 |
15% |
10% |
10% |
$9,076 - $18,150 |
15% |
10% |
15% |
$18,151 - $36,900 |
15% |
15% |
15% |
$36,900 - $50,000 |
15% |
15% |
25% |
$50,001 - $73,800 |
25% |
15% |
25% |
$73,801 - $75,000 |
25% |
25% |
25% |
$75,001 - $89,350 |
34% |
25% |
25% |
$89,351 - $100,000 |
34% |
25% |
28% |
$100,001 - $148,850 |
39% |
25% |
28% |
$148,851 - $186,350 |
39% |
28% |
28% |
$186,351 - $226,850 |
39% |
28% |
33% |
$226,851 - $335,000 |
39% |
33% |
33% |
$335,001 - $405,100 |
34% |
33% |
33% |
$405,101 - $406,750 |
34% |
35% |
35% |
$406,751 - $457,600 |
34% |
35% |
39.6% |
$457,601 - $10,000,000 |
34% |
39.6% |
39.6% |
$10,000,001 - $15,000,000 |
35% |
39.6% |
39.6% |
$15,000,001 - $18,333,333 |
38% |
39.6% |
39.6% |
Over $18,333,333 |
35% |
39.6% |
39.6% |
The following chart compares the marginal tax rates for
tax years beginning in 2015 for corporations, married
individuals filing jointly, and for singles. This chart does not include
the additional Medicare tax or net investment income tax that may
apply to high-income taxpayers.
2015 Tax Rate Comparison |
Taxable Income ($) |
C Corporation |
Married/Joint |
Unmarried |
$1 - $9,225 |
15% |
10% |
10% |
$9,226 - $18,450 |
15% |
10% |
15% |
$18,451 - $37,450 |
15% |
15% |
15% |
$37,451 - $50,000 |
15% |
15% |
25% |
$50,001 - $74,900 |
25% |
15% |
25% |
$74,901 - $75,000 |
25% |
25% |
25% |
$75,001 - $90,750 |
34% |
25% |
25% |
$90,751 - $100,000 |
34% |
25% |
28% |
$100,001 - $151,200 |
39% |
25% |
28% |
$151,201 - $189,300 |
39% |
28% |
28% |
$189,301 - $230,450 |
39% |
28% |
33% |
$230,451 - $335,000 |
39% |
33% |
33% |
$335,001 - $411,500 |
34% |
33% |
33% |
$411,501 - $413,200 |
34% |
35% |
35% |
$413,201 - $464,850 |
34% |
35% |
39.6% |
$464,851 - $10,000,000 |
34% |
39.6% |
39.6% |
$10,000,001 - $15,000,000 |
35% |
39.6% |
39.6% |
$15,000,001 - $18,333,333 |
38% |
39.6% |
39.6% |
Over $18,333,333 |
35% |
39.6% |
39.6% |
Keep in mind that the rate comparison is only part of
the tax picture to consider. Distributions (money taken out) from
a partnership are generally taxable only once on the partners' individual
returns, while distributions made by a corporation to its shareholders
after corporate tax is paid are taxed again as dividends on the shareholder's
Salaries may offset corporate income tax.
In comparing the tax advantages of operating as a partnership or sole
proprietorship rather than as a corporation, remember that not all
of the corporate income will be subject to double taxation. The operators
of the corporation may be paid reasonable
salaries, which are deductible by the corporation. These salaries
are, therefore, free from tax at the corporate level (though the recipients
will have to pay income tax, and both recipients and the business
will have to pay FICA tax, on them). In some cases, the entire net
profit may be offset by salaries paid to the owners, so that no corporate
income tax is due.
Warning If your corporation is profitable but
does not pay any dividends for an extended period of time, the IRS
is likely to conclude that some of the salaries paid to owners are
really disguised dividends. The IRS can disallow some or all of the
salary deductions, resulting in a large tax bill plus interest and
penalties. If you have a corporation, your best bet is to make sure
all salaries are not significantly higher than industry standards,
and to pay out at least some dividends each year. |
Accumulated earnings tax. Because
a corporation is a taxable entity that is separate from its stockholders,
its excess profits (profits remaining after being taxed at the corporate
level) are not, as in the case of unincorporated businesses and S
corporations, taxed to the owners when they are earned. The profits
are taxed only if and when they are distributed to the stockholders
as dividends. However, a corporation may not safely accumulate (retain)
its earnings indefinitely. If the accumulations are not related to
the reasonable needs of the business, an accumulated earnings tax
of 20 percent may be imposed in addition to the regular corporate
tax. Virtually any corporation can accumulate up to $250,000 ($150,000
for professional service corporations) in retained earnings without
becoming subject to this tax.
Transactions between corporations
and owners. Transactions between a closely held corporation
and its stockholder-owners will be closely examined by IRS agents.
If corporate property is diverted to the stockholders, they will
be considered to have received what is called a "constructive" or
"preferential" dividend. This tax treatment is highly unfavorable,
since this dividend will be taxable to the owners and will not be
deductible to the corporation.
The most common type of preferential
dividend received by stockholders involves the payment of personal
expenses on behalf of stockholders. Typically, the corporation claims
deductions for these expenses as business expenses on its income tax
return, but where the expenses are clearly personal expenses, the
corporation will be denied a deduction and the officer-stockholder
will be deemed to have received a taxable dividend.
are also considered to have received constructive dividends when:
(1) corporate property is sold to a stockholder at less than its fair
market value, (2) employee-stockholders are given unreasonably high
compensation, (3) the corporation pays excess rents to shareholders
for property leased by the corporation, or (4) the corporation loans
the shareholder funds and there is no intention to repay the loan.
alternative minimum tax. Like individuals, corporations can
become subject to an alternative minimum tax (AMT) if they have gained
the benefit of "too many" tax preference items. The corporate AMT
does not apply to a corporation that has averaged less than $7.5 million
in annual gross receipts during the three-year period leading up to
the current tax year ($5 million for the first three years of the
corporation's existence). A corporation is exempt from the AMT in
its first year of existence. For corporations that are subject to
the AMT, the rate is 20 percent.
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